When you get past the hype and the fact that you’re making a big purchase decision in an upright digital piano, what are you in search of? Is there a specific brand that you like? For each brand, there are most likely going to be at least a few models. If you don’t believe me, try looking up a brand right quick. More at https://www.brandreviewly.com/how-to-get-the-best-upright-digital-piano/.
If it were me, when purchasing the best upright digital piano, I would shoot for models in the 500 to 1000 dollar range. Why? First, there are plenty of them, and that seems to be the mid range price. Knowing that digital pianos are going tl change with technology, you don’t want to necessarily buy the most expensive one. That just seems like common sense to me.

However, everyone has a different tolerance when it comes to spending money. Perhaps you have good reason for purchasing a more expensive upright digital piano. Perhaps you’re buying a piano for a church and not wanting to invest in a brand new traditional upright piano.
There are all types of reasons people are looking to buy the digital piano version over the traditional version. Believe it or not, they are actually preferred by some pianists. Of course, pianists and keyboardists still look for certain features like the weighted keys. And if some people didn’t prefer digital pianos, why would they make them in their upright fashion? You could just make regular digital keyboards for much cheaper.
Have you already started browsing models? Take your time and know the list of features you’re looking for. You will start to weed out certain models, and you will finally decide on which digital upright piano you think you should purchase. You do after all want to make sure you buy one you’re happy with and that lasts for years and years without any hiccups. More at https://www.brandreviewly.com/best-digital-pianos/.